Gettysburg National Military Park

Ready to discover the new history of the city and the American Civil War and explore the union victory in the Battle of Gettysburg? Gettysburg National Military Park is an antique park that offers the incredible history of the battlefield of Gettysburg. With 6032 acres of landmarks, the National Park is operated by the National Park Service, which restores the battlefield for future generations to see and encourage a love for the nation. The historical landscape includes many trails, a museum of historical artifacts, and events to highlight the war conditions and situations of the American Civil War. There are venues for memorials, monuments, and remembrance of soldiers of the Battle of Gettysburg, including parades and ceremonies for showing the hallowed fields of the park. The park includes an immersive display and a collection of historical artifacts and draws almost 2 million visitors annually.


Special Events and History Programs

 Gettysburg National Military Park hosts many theme programs and interesting topic events related to the history of the city and the Civil War of Gettysburg. The park is the former location of many battle programs and events on battle anniversaries and is dedicated to soldiers of the war. The park celebrates the victory and music of the civil war.


National Military Park of Gettysburg has an unmatched trail system, including unbelievable pathways filled with wildflowers and shady trees. The trail of the park offer opportunities for adventure seekers who want to hike, run, jog, bike, and horseback ride throughout the park. Experience the battlefield where soldiers fought for the nation and won. There are many memorials and cemeteries of veterans along the pathway to explore their historical stories during the war.

Living History Museum

 The Military Park is a hallowed ground that respects all warhorses of the Gettysburg Army, featuring plenty of graves, monuments, memorials, cannons, and historical artifacts that allow visitors to have a look. Explore the ancient history and atmosphere during wartime. There are many galleries to discover the life and emotions of soldiers and the important journey of victory.

Facts: –

  1. Gettysburg National Military Park covers 6032 acres of area, managed by the National Park Service.
  2. The National Park was added to the National Register of Historic Places on October 15, 1966.

Activities: – Gettysburg National Military Park has a specific place in the heart of downtown Gettysburg to showcase the historical artifacts and stories of Union artillery and infantry, memorials and monuments, and demonstration of tools and cannons for visitors to explore. There are several historical black powder weapons and living history battlefields which bring the past to life. Explore the authenticity standards of the living history of Gettysburg. Experience events and learn in historical programs of the museum. Enjoy horseback riding, walking, and watching varieties of wildlife and bird species along the pathways.

What to expect: – The Military Park is the best place for the historian, where there is always new to discover, learn and watch the unexpected happen throughout the museum. You can see the showcases of military tools and weapons, artifacts, historical photos, and prints from war and wartime. The Park features campgrounds, battlefields, and historical galleries that show the condition of Gettysburg during and after the war. You can enjoy living history programs and horseback riding, cyclorama paintings, and film in the theatre of the visitor center. You can explore war tools and artillery and their working procedures.

Plan your visit: – Gettysburg National Military Park opens all year round from 8:30 am to 5 pm for vacationers and picnickers to enjoy. There is no entry fee for the museum and visitor center that educates visitors about the history and the significance of the battlefields. Experience the emotion and fear of war with its historical adventure of interactive exhibits.

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