Sitka National Historic Park

Sitka National Historic Park is the smallest historical national park located in Sitka, Alaska, US. It is spread over 112 acres of area. This park boasts both beauty and history very well inside it. It is also known as Indian River Park and Totem Park. This park was built to commemorate the battle of local Tlingit and Russians. If you are in Sitka then you can treat your eyes to the beauty of nature that includes the Sitka spruce trees, ferns, shrubs, and house of authentic Totem located inside the rainforest. Although it is the smallest park in the area but its scenic beauty is no less than others. In this park, Russian Bishop’s House, a restored building holding Sitka’s history, stands as evidence to the rich history of this area.


Visitor Centre

It should be your first stop at this destination. Built-in 1965, the Sitka National Historic Parkvisitor center provides every basic facility for the visitors. It has a special space for exhibits and displays of Alaska Native arts and crafts. Here you can observe the different ethnographic displays about traditional Tlingit life and art. There is an area where you can watch a 12-minute film, “The Voices of Sitka,” that shows the story of Sitkans, past, and present. To deeply know this place walk through the park totems and trails that lead to the site of the Battle of 1804.


Russian Bishop’s House

Constructed in 1843 Russian Bishop’s House is situated around one mile from the park. It was closed in 1969 that lead to its destruction. But, in 1973 National Park Service restored it to its previous condition. This restored Russian Bishop’s House gives visitors a chance to take a deep dive into the history and feel the life of the Sitka people during the Russian-American period. Today it is the one and the only example of Russian Colonial Style architecture in North America that is still available to observe.


Park Grounds and Trails

The trail system starts from the National Park Service Visitor Center that will take you to a beautiful coastal forest, memorial sites, roughly totem poles, and a salmon stream. You can go on your own or with the park authorities. You will find many panoramic views of the shoreline and coastal mountains along the way.


  • It is Alaska’s oldest national park established in 1910.
  • The park is built to commemorate the 1804 Battle of Sitka.


Visitors can get a view of the Russian and indigenous artifacts along with a video in the theater that provides an overview of the battle. For outside activities at Sitka National Historical Park, Visitors Center move to the totem trail where 18 totems are displayed. You can even join the daily tour program organized to explore the historic building, Bishop’s residence, and Russian Orthodox chapel.

Plan your visit

Sitka National Historical Park opens daily from 9 am to 8 pm. One of the great advantages for visitors is that there is no park entrance fee for Sitka National Historical Park. For admission to Visitor Center and Bishop’s House, you have to pay $4.


What to Expect

The place is generally the best to appreciate its exhibits about traditional Tlingit life, drums, robes, and other ceremonial objects. Outside you can see the great trails, totem poles, and Indian River. Other than this there are a lot of opportunities to enjoy a variety of family-friendly activities.

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