Rainbow Bridge Natural Arch

Rainbow Bridge Natural Arch is a famous bridge and is one of the world’s largest natural bridges. The two other natural arches both situated in southern Utah, are Kolob Arch and Landscape Arch. Both the bridges are several meters longer than the Rainbow Bridge Natural Arch. Rainbow Bridge is 290 feet in height, making it taller than its longer competitors. One can reach Rainbow bridge within two hours of boat ride on Lake Powell. The material used to build Rainbow Bridge is made from Sandstone that gets deposited by wind and sand naturally. This is the result of the extreme fluctuations in the climate during the Triassic and Jurassic periods. With the end of the Jurassic the layers of Sandstone get covered up with the Seawater which further compresses and thus rocks are forms.



  1. Reflection Canyon:Reflection Canyon is really a heart-loving place, incredibly a 20 miles trip from Glen Canyon national Park and views in Reflection canyon. Also, it’s an extension of Lake Powell and is most visible from planes and boats. The view is definitely a perfect one and one has to work to get the view perfectly. Photographers too consider this view as an overnight trip and sunlight view, which is unlike any other view.


  1. Navajo Mountain:Navajo Mountain is on the Arizona Utah border and has an approximate height of 10,416 feet. Navajo Mountain gives a shield cover along with the rugged and rough surface of the land to find a safe haven. The two rainbows, one male and one female in the perfect union is the structure of the petrified holy place of rainbows.



  1. Anasazi Canyon:The ancient people, who were primarily the hunters, now have gathered slowly and transformed into a tribe of expert basket weavers. These were the Anasazi who eventually began to occupy the Grand Anasazi Canyon region. In addition to basket weaving, Anasazi were also excellent at making pottery items. They also were great artists, often creating sceneries from their daily lives on walls using natural pottery clay and natural colors. These can be found as pictograms today and are famous at Anasazi Canyon.


  • Rainbow Bridge Natural Arch is the largest bridge in the world and is sacred by Navajos.
  • The standing height of this bridge is approximately 290 feet.



Everyone planning for a trip to Rainbow Bridge must require hiking at least a mile. Also, must take the trail to see the rainbow view. One must be aware of the fact that as it’s a desert place and environment and even short hikes requires proper preparation. Hiking only to Rainbow Bridge is a complete two-day trip.


What to expect: 

Starting from sunrise view to sunset view is great a Rainbow Bridge. Rainbow view, hiking, mountain trail is really thrilling and adventurous. Neighboring tribes of Rainbow Bridge also have religious significant importance so it’s better to view them from Rainbow Bridge rather than walking up to the tribes.


Plan you visit:

If you are planning your visit Rainbow Bridge Natural Arch then you must go to the place with complete preparation so that you may not face any issues there. Try to collect some basic information about the weather, environment, and local conditions.



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