Coors Brewery Tour

Are you excited to taste some top-class traditional beers in Colorado? Visit one of the most major beer producers in the United States. Coors Brewery Factory is famous for producing beers of different brands. It is started by the famous brewer Adolf, in 1873. Coors Brewery Tour is not for beer tasting but also an educational and informative experience for visitors. There are several beverage brands to taste while exploring history, heritage, and quality products. You will know about the brewery, current brand beer as well as local brands of the brewery. Enjoy your visit with a free tasting of Coors brand beer or try some photography here. Here you get the opportunity to learn more about grains, hops, the fermentation process of Coors cans, bottles, and packaging of beer.


Coors Brewery Factory

Coors Brewery Factory provides a free tour and interesting historical details of Coors Brewery. They offer visitors to see and smell the ingredients of the beers. The process of Coors Brewery includes the packaging and sampling of the products. You get the opportunity to see machineries like copper brew Kettles and the Enormous Kiln. Coors Brewery Factory also provides a free parking area and wheelchair accessibility so you can easily come here with your vehicle.

Coors Brewery Quality Control Room

The quality Control Room provides educational details about beer qualities. This is a perfect destination for beer lovers. Here you will gain knowledge about the all steps taken in the brewing process of Coors Brews and the quality check basis for different brands to explore. Quality Control Room ensures the taste of different brand beers.

Coors Tasting Room

Coors offers plenty of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage brands. There are free beers offered for tasting which include Killian, Blue Moon, Zima, Miller, and many other brands. End your visit with free 3 beers of your choice in Coors Brewery Tour. 


  1. The Brewery was started by Adolf, when he was just 26, in 1873.
  2. The Coors is the 3rd largest Brewery Company in the United States.



Coors Brewery is Coors Brewery offers free tours and free tasting fresh beers. Learn about how the beer is made and the steps of the process of beer sampling. Enjoy photography and free fountain sodas at Coors Brewery. Explore the machinery of the factory and sample products. Experience little unique things in gift shops and drink the fresh beer of Coors Brand.


What to Expect

Coors Brewery is one of the largest breweries in Colorado and famous for its brews. Coors Brewery offers an interesting history of Coors brands to explore. Explore from the main ingredients of beer to the process of fermentation to a sampling of beer. Coors Brewery Tour is ended at a very cool bar area and free beer tasting. You can expect to try 3 beers of your choice and a free glass to keep.


Plan Your Visit

Coors Brewery Tour is a wonderful overview that explains the working for Coors brands. Coors Brewery Factory opens all year round. Take a free tour of the Coors Brewery and free sample Coors products! Enjoy the taste of traditional cold beer in Golden!

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