Edmund Pettus Bridge

There are spots in few cities around the world that turn from normal to the most remarkable place in history. When you are at such places, it’s like you relive the moment, the pain and struggle it went through. One such site is the Edmund Pettus Bridge, it became one of the most popular bridges when the protest for the momentous changed and started taking place in Alabama, America, and the world. On March 7, 1965, it was Edmund Pettus Bridge where the voting right marchers were confronted and attacked by law enforcement personnel. It went so out of control that the day is still remembered as “Bloody Sunday”. The Edmund Pettus Bridge is located at Selma, AL 36703, United States.

Attraction –


  1. 7th March every year – On this date, the feeling of being at the Edmund Pettus Bridge is worth it. You must have seen this place every year on the news, but to be here in person gives an immense vibe of mixed emotions. Every year on this date, a lot of local citizens and tourists from around the world pay tribute to the martyrs of Bloody Sunday.


  1. Explore Selma – Located at the foot of Edmund Pettus Bridge Selma Interpretive Center serves as the welcome center of the trail from Alabama to Montgomery. The Interpretive Center offers you an exhibit and bookstore. There are a lot of other sites in Selma that will grab your attention such as the National Voting Rights Museum & park (privately owned), Slavery & Civil War Museum, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Street Walking Tour, George Washington Carver Homes, and wayside exhibits.


  1. History of the Bridge – History of the Bridge – It was built in 1940, and was named after Edmund Winston Pettus. Edmund was a U.S. senator, a true leader, and a brigadier general. While crossing the bridge the Civil Rights Movement demonstrators were attacked with horses, billy clubs, and tear gas. They were marching towards the state capital, Montgomery. After 7th March 1955, the demonstrators crossed the bridge on 21 March and walked to the Capitol.


  1. In March 2015, President Barack Obama, the first African-American U.S. president delivered his speech at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge and led a march with other famous personalities.
  2. An estimated 40,000 people attended to pay tribute to our lost heroes in 2015.


Activities: Edmund Pettus Bridge is a National Historic Landmark serving as an active roadway bridge. You can walk to and forth the bridge in around 10 minutes. Walk carefully on the pedestrian walkway because it is always full of traffic.


Plan your visit: Witness this bridge anytime when you wish. It is free and open to visitors. Make sure you go to the U.S. National Park Interpretive Center situated at the right side building to the bridge.


What to Expect: This 380 m long bridge will not consume much time so make plans to visit other nearby spots too.

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